Optimizing Customer Experience and Security: Marissa Kandarian on Leveraging Kiteworks for Renewals and Orders

Marissa Kandarian, the Director of Worldwide Renewals and Orders at Kiteworks, is responsible for the fulfillment of net new orders and renewals. She and her team rely on the power of the Kiteworks platform to optimize the customer experience while providing the highest level of security.

According to Marissa, one of the greatest benefits of using Kiteworks is the ability to integrate it directly with a company’s CRM. This allows them to obtain an accurate view of the customer journey, track progress, and measure results in real time. This supports their ability to easily manage renewals and orders across all customer interactions, as well as quickly respond to customer inquiries.

Marissa and her team can now quickly provision user accounts, onboard new customers, and manage customer relationships with added security. Marissa explains that due to the ability to assign roles and access privileges to the customer, they can ensure that only authorized personnel have access to customer data.

Kiteworks has enabled the team to streamline the onboarding process for their customers. This allows them to quickly and securely process customer orders and onboard new customers, reducing customer acquisition costs. Marissa and her team are able to view customer data more efficiently by collecting, analyzing, and reporting customer data in real time.

“Before using Kiteworks with our renewal process, we were sending our renewal quotes via an attachment in Outlook, which left us vulnerable to any type of phishing or other various attacks. That vulnerability is minimal now that we use Kiteworks to send our renewal quotes securely. One of the advantages of using Kiteworks when sending out our renewal quotes and even fulfillment emails is that we have the audit trail. When someone or multiple people access the attachment that was sent to them, we have an email sent to us saying who has done that, the time, and the date.” Marissa says.

Marissa and her team have been able to increase efficiency and security in their processes by introducing Kiteworks and integrating it with their CRM. This has allowed them to provide their customers with an improved customer experience, while also reducing their customer acquisition costs.


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