Unveiling the Kiteworks 2022 Sensitive Content Communications Privacy and Compliance Report: Key Findings and Industry Insights

Kiteworks’ 2022 Sensitive Content Communications Privacy and Compliance Report is based on findings from a detailed survey of IT, security, privacy, and compliance leaders representing 15 different countries.

The report comes at a time when the average cost of a data breach now exceeds $4 million, according to IBM and Ponemon Institute . Regulatory bodies and government entities recognize the risk breached data poses to organizations, and we have seen significant growth in compliance standards in recent years. Depending on their industry and the geographical scope of operations, organizations must demonstrate their technology tools are compliant with those standards as well as produce audit trails that demonstrate adherence to governance tracking and controls around who accesses sensitive content, with whom it is shared, when was it updated and shared, on what devices it was shared, and where it is stored. Some of the key insights from the report include:

  • Over half of organizations are inadequately protected against privacy and compliance risks in their sensitive content communications.
  • 53% fail to encrypt all of their confidential data shares.
  • 58% lack content governance controls.
  • 75% say their compliance reports are inaccurate.
  • 54% do not perform DLP scans on all outgoing emails.
  • Less than 50% apply zero-trust security principles to file transfer and automation, web forms, and APIs.
  • 51% believe their organizations are inadequately protected from sensitive content communications with third parties.
  • 41% admit that their sensitive content communication systems and processes either require significant improvement or need to be replaced altogether.


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Avec Kiteworks, se mettre en conformité règlementaire et bien gérer les risques devient un jeu d’enfant. Rejoignez dès maintenant les milliers de professionnels qui ont confiance en leur plateforme de communication de contenu. Cliquez sur une des options ci-dessous.

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