Securing Sensitive Content Communications for Australian Government Agencies: Kiteworks’ IRAP Assessment and ISO 27001 Certification

The Infosec Registered Assessors Program (IRAP), which is overseen by the Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC), helps protect Australian federal and state agencies against supply chain cyberattacks that can have far-reaching and malicious impact.

Australian government agencies must use technologies that are IRAP assessed to ensure that sensitive data is protected and access to it is continuously tracked and controlled. At the same time, third parties like contractors, vendors, and suppliers conducting business with Australian government agencies must use technology solutions that have been assessed by independent IRAP assessors.

Kiteworks is the only global vendor in the sensitive content communications space to be IRAP assessed to PROTECTED level controls. For federal and state agencies as well as companies conducting business with the Australian government, Kiteworks helps ensure that they retain control of privacy of their data hosted in single-tenancy clouds. The outcome is that there is no intermingling of data, metadata, or shared application resources. Kiteworks also enables third-party risk management (TPRM) by ensuring that sensitive content communications with third parties is protected and governed according to prescribed policies.

Kiteworks is also ISO 27001 certified, a comprehensive Information Security Management System (ISMS) that effectively combines people, processes, and technology together in a secure and structured way. Having both the IRAP and ISO certifications gives clients peace of mind when using Kiteworks, as their data is protected and secure, thus enabling safe and secure communication.


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