Navigating the Risks of Cybercrime and Compliance: 2023 Forecast for Managing Sensitive Content Exposure

The risk posed by cybercrime and compliance regulations has never been greater. The rapid maturation of data analytics and science and the proliferation of supply chains are pushing the sharing and transfer of data to the forefront of many digital transformation initiatives. These are business-critical undertakings that provide competitive advantages—from gains in operational efficiency to revenue-growth opportunities.

A study conducted by PwC earlier this year found that data protection and privacy regulations weigh more heavily on executives’ minds than any other issue resulting from their adoption of digital transformation. Indeed, the same study pinpointed compliance, regulatory risk, and cyber risk (tied at 35%) as their top risk concern over other risk-related issues.

Our 2023 Forecast on Managing Sensitive Content Exposure Risks Report identifies these 15 forecasts for IT, security, risk, and compliance leaders based on cybercrime, cybersecurity, and compliance insights:

  1. Sensitive data-sharing, while risky, is a business requirement.
  2. Insecure emailing of sensitive content remains a significant risk.
  3. Multi-tenant cloud hosting provides cyberattackers with fertile ground.
  4. Third parties in the supply chain increase risk.
  5. The axis of rogue nation-states continues to expand.
  6. Cyberattackers get more sophisticated—and more dangerous.
  7. Content-defined zero trust and the Private Content Network.
  8. Least-privilege access and authentication.
  9. More businesses will choose sole ownership of their encryption keys.
  10. Mitigating vulnerabilities in third-party libraries and software.
  11. AI becomes more widely adopted to detect anomalies in data shares and transfers.
  12. Organizations will focus more resources on security hardening and integrating security investments.
  13. Keeping pace with new and expanded data privacy regulations.
  14. Geofencing of private data exchange will increase.
  15. Adoption of best practice cybersecurity controls and frameworks.


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