The Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program, or FedRAMP, is vital for organizations providing cloud services to federal agencies. This program sets stringent requirements to ensure the security and reliability...
Most employees work from home only occasionally. The Coronavirus outbreak, however, has recently relegated millions of employees to home offices, kitchen tables, and living room couches. We do our part...
CISOs must use every tool at their disposal to protect their PII, PHI, and IP. Most security-first organizations spend millions of dollars on security tools from firewalls and hardened networks...
Anyone who has ever manufactured and sold a product in a competitive market will attest to Benjamin Franklin’s truism, “the bitterness of poor quality remains long after the sweetness of low price...
A highly secure downtown office building has multiple layers of security. Employees must show identification in order to get through the front door and their badges only grant them access...
There’s a fine line between protecting sensitive information from data leaks and making that information easy to share with trusted partners. Make the process too difficult for employees, and they...
Your secure content communication channel must control every file saved and retrieved from every enterprise content repository to provide complete protection against a breach. Global data security, governance, and visibility...
Every CISO knows that you can’t have privacy without security, however, you can have security without privacy. Multi-factor authentication, data encryption, and threat protection defend against external threats, but they...
The modern enterprise spends millions of dollars on cyber security, yet the modern CISO can’t say in any specific detail what information is entering and leaving the firm. How sensitive...
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