Secure File Sharing for CMMC Compliance

Secure File Sharing for CMMC Compliance

Businesses rely on technology to store and share sensitive information. However, with the rise of cyber threats, like data breaches and cyberattacks, it is crucial to ensure private content is adequately protected. This is especially true for companies that work with the government. The Department of Defense (DoD) has implemented the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) to regulate cybersecurity practices of contractors that handle federal contract information (FCI) and controlled unclassified information (CUI). One of the critical requirements of CMMC is secure file sharing. This article looks at the different types of file sharing methods, assessing their pros and cons and how to choose and maintain secure file sharing for CMMC compliance.

Secure File Sharing Requirements for CMMC Compliance

Secure file sharing is a critical aspect of cybersecurity and regulatory compliance, including CMMC. To understand the file sharing requirements for CMMC compliance, it’s essential to know the differences between CUI and FCI data. FCI is information provided by or created for the government under a contract, intended for the government’s use. CUI data, on the other hand, is sensitive but unclassified information that requires safeguarding or dissemination controls. CMMC compliance requirements differ for different levels of CMMC.

The CMMC framework aims to improve cybersecurity across the Defense Industrial Base (DIB) and requires all organizations to adhere to specific security procedures and protocols to optimize the protection of sensitive and confidential information. Here are a few examples:

Encryption for Content in Transit and at Rest

Encryption techniques protect content, namely emails and file attachments, during file sharing. Email encryption ensures that data remains confidential and reduces the risk of data breaches that can result from unauthorized access to sensitive information. Transport Layer Security (TLS) is considered a top encryption for protecting content as it moves from sender to recipient, otherwise known as content “in motion.” Conversely, AES-256 encryption is recommended for protecting content at rest.

Access Control for Ensuring Only Authorized Users Have Access to Sensitive Content

Additionally, secure file sharing must have robust access control protocols that ensure only authorized personnel have access to sensitive data. User authentication measures such as multi-factor authentication, strong passwords, and single sign-on (SSO) help limit access to confidential content to only authorized personnel. Also, role-based access control can limit access based on a user’s role or job function, ensuring that only the necessary information is available to perform their job duties.

Content Governance for Maintaining Data Integrity

Secure file sharing also requires content governance and integrity measures to ensure that files are not corrupted or altered during transfer. File integrity checks, checksums, and digital signatures are examples of content governance measures that can be deployed to maintain data integrity. These measures detect any changes to the file, ensuring that the transferred file matches the original file.

Audit Logging for Incident Response and Forensics

A secure file sharing system or solution must also have logging and auditing capabilities to help detect, analyze, and respond to security threats. The system must log critical events such as successful and failed logins, file transfers, and unauthorized access attempts. The logs must be fed into a security information and event management (SIEM) system to monitor abnormal activities and ensure compliance with security protocols.

Secure File Channels

A crucial aspect of secure file sharing involves utilizing secure channels for transferring files. Both Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) are robust systems that guarantee secure file transmission over the internet. By encrypting data during transit, these channels successfully thwart any attempts by cybercriminals to intercept and access the files. This ensures sensitive documents are always protected in transit from sender to recipient.

Secure File Sharing Methods

Secure file sharing is essential for organizations looking to achieve CMMC 2.0 compliance. Secure file sharing offers a secure and compliant environment for transferring content, and keeps confidential information safe from unauthorized access. This makes it easy for organizations to collaborate with customers (particularly the DoD), as well as partners, investors, suppliers, employees, and other stakeholders. Secure file sharing also helps businesses stay compliant in an increasingly regulated business environment. Some common secure file sharing methods include:

Secure File Sharing Platforms

Secure file sharing platforms like a private content network allow multiple users to share and access sensitive content in a secure environment. These platforms are ideal for businesses that share confidential information with lots of trusted third parties, as they make it easy and safe to collaborate with customers, partners, and employees.

Virtual Data Rooms

Virtual data rooms (VDRs) offer a secure, cloud-based environment for securely sharing and collaborating on confidential documents. They are used in financial transactions, legal proceedings, and other sensitive situations where data privacy is paramount. VDRs are encrypted, access is closely controlled, and file activity is monitored and recorded, so all files are protected from unauthorized access.

Secure Cloud-based Platforms

Secure cloud-based platforms are great for businesses whose employees need to access and share confidential content from any location or device. These platforms are centrally managed, including access and security safeguards, so all data is safe from hackers and unauthorized access.

Secure File Sharing: Opportunities and Challenges

These and other file sharing methods have their advantages and disadvantages. On the positive side, these methods provide a safe and compliant environment for organizations to share large amounts of sensitive information with a diverse group of stakeholders. They help businesses collaborate with customers, partners, investors, and employees, thereby increasing their efficiency, productivity, and competitiveness. They provide encryption and protection against unauthorized access, safeguarding confidential documents and files.

Unfortunately, secure file sharing methods can be expensive and require varied technical expertise to manage, which can be complex and costly. Additionally, some stakeholders may be hesitant to use these secure file sharing methods, preferring more traditional methods that they are familiar with, like email. Despite these challenges, secure file sharing remains an essential tool for businesses looking to comply with CMMC 2.0 and protect the DoD’s confidential information.

Choosing the Right Secure File Sharing Method for CMMC Compliance

When choosing a file sharing method and solution for CMMC compliance, several factors must be considered. These factors include the level of CMMC compliance the business aims to achieve, the type of data being stored and shared, the number of users, other data privacy requirements like regulatory compliance, and the level of security required.

To demonstrate CMMC compliance, organizations must choose a secure file sharing method that is reliable, and meets their unique security and business requirements. Ultimately, organizations must choose the right file sharing solution that will provide secure, reliable, and efficient file sharing capabilities that enable the business to comply with CMMC while bolstering its broader cybersecurity efforts.

Encrypting emails and files in transit and at rest, for example, is a vital aspect of securing file sharing. Encryption ensures that content is protected from interception, modification, or theft. Access controls are also a critical consideration when choosing a file sharing solution. Access controls should be robust enough to prevent unauthorized access to data.

Organizations must also establish secure file sharing policies and best practices to protect themselves against cyber threats. These include implementing strong password policies, not sharing login credentials, and using multi-factor authentication to access sensitive content. Organizations must also educate their employees on best practices for secure file sharing and provide regular training to ensure that all employees understand the importance of good cybersecurity hygiene.

Kiteworks Helps Organizations Demonstrate CMMC 2.0 Compliance with Secure File Sharing

To comply with CMMC 2.0, organizations need to have robust security measures in place for holding and sharing sensitive data. Kiteworks secure file sharing is a secure, compliant, and easy-to-use platform for organizations looking to contract with the DoD.

The Kiteworks Private Content Network provides DoD contractors and subcontractors critical security capabilities including AES-256 and TLS 1.2 encryption, granular access controls, a virtual hardened appliance, integration with your existing security infrastructure, and more. Additionally, the platform offers visibility into all file activity coming into and leaving the organization.

Employees can use desktop or mobile devices to collaborate seamlessly via Microsoft Office 365, including Outlook, OneDrive, and Teams. This feature makes it easy for employees to communicate and transfer sensitive information securely, ensuring compliance with CMMC 2.0 requirements.

The platform also automates common tasks like uploads, downloads, and logging/reporting for compliance requirements and eDiscovery requests. These features help organizations comply with the CMMC 2.0 framework and avoid costly data breach incidents.

Kiteworks’ secure file sharing for CMMC compliance is an essential tool for organizations that want to work with the DoD. In fact, Kiteworks supports nearly 90% of CMMC 2.0 Level 2 requirements out of the box. Kiteworks’ robust security and governance capabilities, user-friendliness, and compliance automation features make it an excellent choice for DoD contractors and subcontractors.

Schedule a custom demo to learn more about Kiteworks’ secure file sharing capabilities for CMMC compliance.


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