FedRAMP Compliant File Sharing for Federal Agencies

FedRAMP Compliant File Sharing for Federal Agencies

Update: The Kiteworks (formerly Accellion) platform became FedRAMP-Authorized in June 2017. To learn more about Kiteworks and FedRAMP compliant file sharing, please visit our FedRAMP page.

The Kiteworks secure file sharing and governance platform has received “In Process” certification from the Federal Government. FedRAMP compliant file sharing is a necessity for federal agencies and the contractors who work for federal agencies.

FedRAMP Complaint File Sharing: Why It Matters

What is FedRAMP? It’s a rigorous security assessment and authorization framework developed by cybersecurity and cloud experts from many government agencies, including the General Services Administration (GSA), National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Department of Defense (DOD), National Security Agency (NSA), Office of Management and Budget (OMB), the Federal Chief Information Officer (CIO), and Council and its working groups, as well as private industry.

The goal of FedRAMP is to help the government quickly, rigorously, and consistently assess the security of cloud solutions for use by federal agencies. Assessments include in-depth examinations of a solution’s data security and data governance capabilities, as well as the security practices of the companies providing the cloud services.

With FedRAMP compliant file sharing, U.S. federal agencies will have validation that the Kiteworks platform is a superior secure file sharing and governance solution that enables their employees to securely access and transfer sensitive government documents. Federal employees can be confident that their daily communications are protected by FedRAMP compliant file sharing.

Kiteworks has completed all the preparatory steps and is currently in the independent testing phase, having engaged a 3rd Party Assessment Organization (3PAO).  Kiteworks is working with its sponsoring agency to coordinate this progress with the FedRAMP Program Management Office (PMO).

Once certified, the Kiteworks FedRAMP (GovCloud) package will be available in isolated environments on Amazon Cloud. With FedRAMP compliant file sharing, Kiteworks customers receive:

  • Separate customer virtual private cloud (VPC) for all processing
  • Dedicated servers
  • Data isolated from all other customers
  • Encrypted file storage and transfer
  • Remote wipe for all mobile clients
  • Reporting and audit trails
  • Continuous monitoring for intrusions and other threats

In addition to FedRAMP compliant file sharing, the Kiteworks platform has received FIPS 140-2 certification for government agencies and is deployed at NASA and SEC.

To learn more about how Kiteworks enables secure and FedRAMP compliant file sharing for government agencies, schedule a custom demo of Kiteworks today.

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