Co-Authoring | Secure Collaboration

Effortlessly Co-create, Refine, and Finalize Content with Colleagues and Third Parties

Co-Authoring | Secure Collaboration

  • Multiple web users seamlessly edit in real time in Microsoft Office Online
  • Power users enjoy the full functionality of Microsoft Office on the desktop without overwrite risks
  • Mobile users automatically edit in Microsoft Office
  • Users of specialized non-Office editors simply drag-and-drop new versions without overwriting others’ work

Maximize Editing Productivity on Any Content From Anywhere, on Any App, with Any Device

Universal | Secure Collaboration

  • Employees invite third parties to collaborate securely anywhere across the internet
  • Employees securely collaborate with third parties using enterprise content, automatically accessing, versioning, and protecting source enterprise repositories
  • Users collaborate securely from wherever they work, whether a browser, mobile device, or enterprise app such as Microsoft Office, Salesforce or iManage
Universal | Secure Collaboration
Tools | Secure Collaboration

Provide the Tools That Make Collaboration Effective

Tools | Secure Collaboration

  • Each saved change creates a new, tracked, auditable version, and end users can even roll it back when necessary
  • Users give each other feedback on documents using comments
  • Users subscribe to notifications of new versions and comments
  • Users run full text searches to find any document to which they have access privileges

Embrace Email Collaboration

Email | Secure Collaboration

  • Real-world collaboration often starts with an email, an attachment and multiple replies
  • Move seamlessly from a secure email thread to a secure shared folder when it suits the users
  • Invite more users to the collaboration folder, with appropriate permissions and restrictions based on their need to edit, download, or know the information
  • Email the resulting final version to other parties as a secure attachment
  • Follow a clear audit trail and versioning of the entire process
Email | Secure Collaboration
Security and Governance | Secure Collaboration

Prevent Breaches and Compliance Fines from Inadvertent and Intentional Leaks

Security and Governance | Secure Collaboration

  • Reduce risks of inadvertent sharing outside the organization with the Kiteworks platform’s role-based permissions and least privilege defaults
  • Protect content with granular access controls, such as watermarked-view-only privileges and expiration policies
  • Satisfy security controls with hardened virtual appliance and strong encryption in transit and at rest
  • Automatically quarantine incoming malware and block leaks of IP, PII, and PHI
  • Leverage the complete audit trail and logging for compliance reporting and threat analytics

More on Kiteworks platform security


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It’s easy to start ensuring regulatory compliance and effectively managing risk with Kiteworks. Join the thousands of organizations who feel confident in their content communications platform today. Select an option below.


Avec Kiteworks, se mettre en conformité règlementaire et bien gérer les risques devient un jeu d’enfant. Rejoignez dès maintenant les milliers de professionnels qui ont confiance en leur plateforme de communication de contenu. Cliquez sur une des options ci-dessous.

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Mit Kiteworks ist es einfach, die Einhaltung von Vorschriften zu gewährleisten und Risiken effektiv zu managen. Schließen Sie sich den Tausenden von Unternehmen an, die sich schon heute auf ihre Content-Kommunikationsplattform verlassen können. Wählen Sie unten eine Option.

Comienza ahora.

Es fácil empezar a asegurar el cumplimiento normativo y gestionar los riesgos de manera efectiva con Kiteworks. Únete a las miles de organizaciones que confían en su plataforma de comunicación de contenidos hoy mismo. Selecciona una opción a continuación.



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