1st Place AWS ASEAN GameDay

Kiteworks Wins ASEAN AWS GameDay Capture-the-Flag Event

The Kiteworks platform is built with security in mind from the ground up. In addition to a hardened security infrastructure and comprehensive security protocols, Kiteworks focuses on ensuring that its Engineering and Support teams are fully trained on the latest security tools and incident response processes. This includes participating in different Capture-the-Flag events where the team can put their security knowledge and experience to the test by competing against their peers.

AWS ASEAN GameDay Capture-the-Flag Event

Two Kiteworks Engineering teams in Singapore recently participated in a Capture-the-Flag event sponsored by AWS on April 21. The AWS GameDay for ASEAN featured 23 different teams. These GameDay teams were not early AWS adopters but rather advanced users and were all “born-in-the-cloud” AWS customers. AWS services covered in the competition included Inspector, IAM Access Analyzer, Secrets Manager, GuardDuty, EC2 Image Builder, Lambda, and RDS, among others.

Each of the 23 teams consisted of at least three professionals with a balance of developers, software engineers, and solution architects. A minimum of six months of hands-on experiences with AWS EC2, S3, RDS, and VPC was required. In advance, the AWS team supplied competitors with a list of eight tips for GameDay success—including some #GameDon’ts!

Kiteworks1 Team Wins 1st Prize

The “Kiteworks1” team was led by Director of Cybersecurity Engineering Yul Bahat who recruited four other team members to participate. The team tied with two other teams with 6,200 points for first place. In addition to bragging rights for the next year, the Kiteworks1 team took home some cool AWS swag. A second Kiteworks team came in 10th place.

Congratulations to Kiteworks1 on the win and their dedication to cybersecurity. Winning Capture-the-Flag events is not an easy undertaking—especially when facing 23 advanced digital-native teams—and this win is one example of Kiteworks’ steadfast commitment to cybersecurity.

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