
Rick, the Risky Rabbit

Kitetoons: Rick Insecurely Shares Confidential Payroll PII | Slide #1 | Rick: What's up? This is Rick. Voice Over Phone: Rick, this is Payroll Pete. Have you been getting all of my emails about payrolling your contractors?
Kitetoons: Rick Insecurely Shares Confidential Payroll PII | Slide #2 | Rick Thinking to Himself: Hmmm, I'm glad he can't see my computer screen. Rick: Well Petey, I open every email I get before I leave at the end of the day, and I definitely don't have one from you.
Kitetoons: Rick Insecurely Shares Confidential Payroll PII | Slide #3 | Voice Over Phone: Regardless, you haven't paid your contractors in three weeks, and I need their timecards, social security numbers, and other details within the hour to include them in the payroll run this week. Rick: Geez, I guess that I'd better get them paid. I'll send you over all of the information you need within the hour.
Kitetoons: Rick Insecurely Shares Confidential Payroll PII | Slide #4 | Rick Thinking to Himself: Hmmmm, I'd better find something to share the files with Petey.
Kitetoons: Rick Insecurely Shares Confidential Payroll PII | Slide #6 | Peggy: Yo, Rick. Do you have a sec to talk about something we saw in our quarterly data privacy audit? Rick: Absolutivity, are you here to award me 'Privacy Employee of the Month?'
Kitetoons: Rick Insecurely Shares Confidential Payroll PII | Slide #7 | Peggy: Actually, we found that you sent payroll records to Payroll Pete using an unauthorized file sharing app last month that doesn't use encryption. Rick: Yeah, so you want a license for yourself?
Kitetoons: Rick Insecurely Shares Confidential Payroll PII | Slide #8 | Peggy: No, I think I'll wait on that order. You just violated GDPR, CCPA, DPA, HIPAA, among some other compliance acronyms.

Rick Insecurely Shares Confidential Payroll PII

There is no doubt that payroll records are full of personally identifiable information (PII). PII in payroll records include employee names, tax information, medical records, and pay stubs. At the very least, payroll PII must be encrypted so that even if it is intercepted, it won’t be readable. A robust file sharing and secure email platform for sending payroll PII is the best solution.


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