Mac tries to send confidential competitive information to a third party
Mac tries to send confidential competitive information to a third party
Data sharing is a crucial underpinning of digital transformation as organizations collaborate and communicate internally across their organizations and externally with thousands of third parties, which include suppliers, contractors, legal counsel, and financial institutions, among others. As a result, third-party risk management is a critical aspect of the modern cybersecurity posture. Organizations must develop centralized policies and govern who accesses private data, who can edit it, who can send or share it, and to whom it can be sent.
Sensitive content communications must integrate data loss prevention (DLP) to ensure what employees and contractors send, share, receive, and transfer with third parties is protected. Mac, the Malicious Macaw, gets a call from Business Partner Maribel who needs confidential competitive information. Mac attempts to email the private data to Maribel, but his company’s new DLP solution stops his email and he tracks down what happened when Ivan in IT sends him to see Calvin, the Compliance Cow.