Ensuring Compliance and Managing Risk in Financial Services Content Communications

Unifying, tracking, controlling, and securing sensitive content communications with Kiteworks

Why Kiteworks

Financial service providers like banks and insurance companies can protect the privacy of customers’ financial and personal information with Kiteworks, while meeting tough regulations such as GDPR and CCPA. And they improve productivity because Kiteworks automatically tracks and simplifies email, file sharing, managed file transfer (MFT) automation, SFTP, data rooms, and compliance audits.

Unify, track, control, and secure the PII and private financial information you receive from and share with clients and third parties:

Solution Highlights

  • Meet financial industry compliance requirements
  • Protect the privacy of customers’ financial records
  • Securely share financial records between financial institutions

Commercial/Wholesale Clients

  • Safeguard processing of businesses’ payrolls, banks’ credit card transactions, and wealth managers’ moves
  • Securely share customer financial information with other banks to syndicate large commercial loans

Retail Clients

  • Protect and audit content transfers when you deliver statements and clients’ application documents

Outsourcers, Data Houses, Regulators, and Partners

  • Protect personal information you send to outsource firms for non-core tasks like mortgage servicing or collections
  • Consolidate SFTP communications in a secure, scalable deployment, with unified governance and administration
  • Create and manage compliant, automated flows such as AML reports to regulators and statements to customers


Get started.

It’s easy to start ensuring regulatory compliance and effectively managing risk with Kiteworks. Join the thousands of organizations who feel confident in their content communications platform today. Select an option below.


Avec Kiteworks, se mettre en conformité règlementaire et bien gérer les risques devient un jeu d’enfant. Rejoignez dès maintenant les milliers de professionnels qui ont confiance en leur plateforme de communication de contenu. Cliquez sur une des options ci-dessous.

Jetzt loslegen.

Mit Kiteworks ist es einfach, die Einhaltung von Vorschriften zu gewährleisten und Risiken effektiv zu managen. Schließen Sie sich den Tausenden von Unternehmen an, die sich schon heute auf ihre Content-Kommunikationsplattform verlassen können. Wählen Sie unten eine Option.

Comienza ahora.

Es fácil empezar a asegurar el cumplimiento normativo y gestionar los riesgos de manera efectiva con Kiteworks. Únete a las miles de organizaciones que confían en su plataforma de comunicación de contenidos hoy mismo. Selecciona una opción a continuación.



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