Why Kiteworks Secure Email?

Make sending encrypted, compliant messages and attachments easy from wherever users work, on the web or mobile, in Microsoft 365 or other email systems, or in enterprise applications. The Kiteworks platform automatically applies your governance policies, encryption, and tracks every action in the immutable audit trail you need to prove compliance to auditors.

Solution Highlights

  • Users send and receive securely and simply wherever they work
  • Admins efficiently reduce risk with role-based, granular controls and automation
  • Flexible on-premises, single-tenant private cloud, hybrid, and FedRAMP deployment options

Keep Secure Email Simple for Users and Recipients

  • Automated internal, external, and end-to-end security through an Email Protection Gateway
  • Plugins for large file transmission Microsoft Outlook and Office, Google Workspace
  • Recipients use their normal business email addresses for authenticated downloads and requested uploads
  • Shared mailboxes let service department employees send and receive from a single, governed email address

Govern and Protect Users’ Actions Without Getting in Their Way

  • Minimize exposure with role-based, granular controls, policy automation, and flexible authentication options
  • Utilize comprehensive activity logging and compliance audit reporting
  • Protect files up to 16 TB with a hardened virtual appliance utilizing strong encryption in transit and at rest
  • Scan incoming emails for malware and outgoing emails with your DLP


Get started.

It’s easy to start ensuring regulatory compliance and effectively managing risk with Kiteworks. Join the thousands of organizations who feel confident in their content communications platform today. Select an option below.


Avec Kiteworks, se mettre en conformité règlementaire et bien gérer les risques devient un jeu d’enfant. Rejoignez dès maintenant les milliers de professionnels qui ont confiance en leur plateforme de communication de contenu. Cliquez sur une des options ci-dessous.

Jetzt loslegen.

Mit Kiteworks ist es einfach, die Einhaltung von Vorschriften zu gewährleisten und Risiken effektiv zu managen. Schließen Sie sich den Tausenden von Unternehmen an, die sich schon heute auf ihre Content-Kommunikationsplattform verlassen können. Wählen Sie unten eine Option.

Comienza ahora.

Es fácil empezar a asegurar el cumplimiento normativo y gestionar los riesgos de manera efectiva con Kiteworks. Únete a las miles de organizaciones que confían en su plataforma de comunicación de contenidos hoy mismo. Selecciona una opción a continuación.



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