Why Build a Private Content Network With Kiteworks?

When you use Kiteworks to protect your third-party content communications, you also enhance the value of your Splunk investment. Kiteworks unifies, normalizes, and standardizes logs across your communication channels and forwards them to your Splunk environment for alerting, analysis, and dashboarding. Kiteworks helps you minimize the time and cost required to integrate the breadth of your content communications into your Splunk analytics.

Feature Highlights

  • Built-in, native Splunk Universal Forwarder
  • Comprehensive coverage of the information you need to detect attacks and pass compliance audits
  • Flexible on-premises, single-tenant private cloud, hybrid, and FedRAMP deployment options

Continuously Forward Splunk-ready Logs in Real Time

  • Kiteworks generates comprehensive logs from secure email, secure file sharing, SFTP, managed file transfer (MFT), remote content access, and web upload forms.
  • It normalizes and standardizes log contents so they are ready for analysis.
  • Utilize the Kiteworks Splunk Dashboard Add-on and App to index and present the data
  • Or, integrate the Kiteworks logs into your existing Splunk dashboards and alerts.

Visualize and Analyze All Inbound and Outbound File Movement

  • Spot anomalies in volume, location, domain, user, and source.
  • Automatically detect and alert on built-in IDS and predefined exfiltration patterns.
  • See results of DLP, ATP, CDR, and AV file scans.
  • Drill down to actionable details, including users, timestamps, and IP addresses.


Get started.

It’s easy to start ensuring regulatory compliance and effectively managing risk with Kiteworks. Join the thousands of organizations who feel confident in their content communications platform today. Select an option below.


Avec Kiteworks, se mettre en conformité règlementaire et bien gérer les risques devient un jeu d’enfant. Rejoignez dès maintenant les milliers de professionnels qui ont confiance en leur plateforme de communication de contenu. Cliquez sur une des options ci-dessous.

Jetzt loslegen.

Mit Kiteworks ist es einfach, die Einhaltung von Vorschriften zu gewährleisten und Risiken effektiv zu managen. Schließen Sie sich den Tausenden von Unternehmen an, die sich schon heute auf ihre Content-Kommunikationsplattform verlassen können. Wählen Sie unten eine Option.

Comienza ahora.

Es fácil empezar a asegurar el cumplimiento normativo y gestionar los riesgos de manera efectiva con Kiteworks. Únete a las miles de organizaciones que confían en su plataforma de comunicación de contenidos hoy mismo. Selecciona una opción a continuación.



Explore Kiteworks