Achieve NIS 2 Directive Compliance With Kiteworks: Secure Your Sensitive Information and Meet Data Protection Obligations

Danielle Barbour, Director of Product Marketing, Regulatory Compliance at Kiteworks talks about the Network and Information Security, or NIS 2 Directive

The European Union has proposed the NIS 2 Directive—an EU-wide regulatory framework for managing Information and Communications Technology risks and cyber threats in the essential services. 

The proposed regulation would require these entities to demonstrate the security of their Information and Communications Technology systems and networks and to report major incidents to the European Commission. It would also establish a coordinated EU-wide approach to cybersecurity and incident response. 

Starting your journey to NIST 2 Directive compliance with Kiteworks is a great way to ensure your organization meets all relevant data protection obligations. The Kiteworks Private Content Network (PCN) unifies, tracks, controls, and secures the sensitive information organizations share with trusted third parties, critical capabilities for demonstrating NIS 2 compliance

With Kiteworks, businesses protect customer data, intellectual property, personally identifiable information, and protected health information with end-to-end encryption, a hardened virtual appliance, security and enterprise application integrations, multi-factor authentication, granular policy controls, comprehensive audit logs, and much more. When organizations can control, protect, see, and track where their sensitive information is stored, who has access to it, and with whom they share it, they protect these digital assets, demonstrate compliance with industry regulations and standards, and mitigate the risk of a data breach or compliance violation. 

To find out more, check out our Compliance Brief, and request a demo.

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